Individual Homeworks

  • Who: Individual
  • Objectives: Design; Implementation; Theory


There will be 6 homework assignments throughout the semester. These assignments are to be completed individually. Most of the assignments will be worked on in class (e.g., as coding demos), so be sure to show up and save yourself the work outside of class.

The links will be updated throughout the semester.

Homework Assignments

Objective Weight Description Start Date (in class) Due Date (outside class)
1. 15% Crash Course in Web Development. Aug. 28 Aug. 30
2. 10% Design Static Visualizations. Aug. 30 Sep. 6
3. 20% Implement a Bar Chart. Sep. 13 Oct. 2
4. 15% Implement a Scrollytelling Experience. Oct. 4 Oct. 18
5. 20% Design Ethical Visualizations. Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct. 30
6. 20% (now optional, extra credit) Critique a Visualization. N/A -- this one is done entirely outside of class Nov. 29

Extra Credit

The homework assignments can look like a lot to manage, especially when you juxtapose them against the course project and poetry assignment. However, I have tried to make that more manageable by having dedicated class time to start on most of the assignments. Show up to get a head start on the homework assignments, and in some cases, they can likely be completed entirely in-class.

To further incentivize you to show up and work on the homework assignments sooner rather than later, you may obtain up to an additional 5% extra credit on homeworks 2-5 if you turn them in within 48 hours of the day that each respective assignment is started in class.